What is a space?

In spacecommz.io - a space is a collection of channels where your members gather to communicate with each other.

Connecting to a space as a space member will give you access to the channels that the admin has allow you to listen and talk to.

Space breakdown

Once logged into a space, you will see some settings, and a list of all your available Channels.

Here are a few terms that we will explore in the documentation.

  • Channel: A communication line - or party line - of two-way audio that you can both listen to and talk to (so long as you have permission to do so).
  • Talk: The ability to talk to a channel where others can listen to you.
  • Listen: The ability to listen to a channel.
  • Solo: When selected, you talk and listen to that single channel.

spacecommz.io interface

Let’s break down this interface.

spacecommz.io interface with annotations