What is SpaceCommz?

Think of it as a global Walkie talkie. SpaceCommz allows you to connect with your entire production team no matter where in the world you are based.

Entering a space

Access your SpaceCommz “space” from within a browser and log in using the Space Name, Username and Password provided by your admin.

Space login

After your credentials have been checked, you will be forwarded to the space.

Space breakdown

Once logged into a space, you will see some settings, and a list of all your available Party Lines.

Here are a few terms that we will explore in the documentation.

  • Party line: A channel of two-way audio that you can both listen to and talk to (so long as you have permission to do so).
  • Talk: The ability to talk to a channel where others can listen to you.
  • Listen: The ability to listen to a channel.
  • Solo: When selected, you talk and listen to that single channel.

SpaceCommz interface

Let’s break down this interface.

SpaceCommz interface with annotations